"Live, Go on living to the utmost!! YOU MUST LIVE!!" ― Obata Gessai's final farewell to her (Azumi vol.8)
Azumi is a female assassin raised together with a group of orphans by "Granpa". She completes 'pruning' missions to prevent more bloodshed at the end of the Japanese feudal era. Her first targets were prominent supporters and generals of the Toyotomi Clan who are planning to go to war with the current national head.
She wields a double-ended katana.
Tenkai has said he considers her to be the finest warrior and tactician in the country, placing his full faith in her, as he did with Gessai (Ch. 224). People often think she's weak due to her thin feminine limbs, but she is strong enough to wield the blade firmly. She moves nimbly like a wild beast.
My fate is to prevent a return to the time of troubles... to prune, so that wars in which countless lives are lost will be averted. (Azumi, 243)
Bontenmaru remarks how he was deceived by her innocent looking face (Ch. 228). She often wears a calm expression, reminiscent of a boddhitsava.
Physical Abilities[]
Enhanced Speed & Reflexes
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Senses
Danger Intuition
Indomitable Will